Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2 Girls

I think everyone remembers being a kid, and having fun doing something they weren't good at. Or something they thought they weren't good at. For example I am a terrible swimmer. I wont drown, I can swim, but.it.is.not.graceful. I have taken lessons as an adult, a part of my desire to be a triathlete, part joke, part truth, the only real kind of jokes there are. I was just as bad as when I was young, but still enthusiastic. I happen to love swimming. A lot.
I also cannot ice skate. Every winter I think with a twinkle about going out to a rink and learning, I don't have any skates.
I've been pushing myself to draw. As a child drawing was a natural expression of my thoughts. I dont remember when I stopped drawing, but I'm sure its because I thought I wasn't any good at it. Such hog wash! Why would that matter! Damn our foolish adolescence. Of course I don't have to be an artist to draw, why does it take maturity to know that?

A picture I've held onto since my teennessism. It had to have been cut from The Mirror, or some other free wrapping paper:

Olive's face, my hair:

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